"The return", a film produced by Brainstorm Creative director, Kirsten Cavendish, was screened at the Cannes Court Metrage this year. It's an intriguing story: on his release, after twenty years in jail, a convicted murderer returns to his hometown to find the Cop and one-time friend who put him away. But what is the real reason for his visit? The film was shot in Santa Barbara and stars Robert Carradine, Jack Currenton and David Heavener.
The Pacific Standard event on the fresh water crisis attracted a large audience yesterday. Staged at the Lobero Theatre, this was the first in a series of events that will address issues like food and the environment. Brainstorm Creative designed the entire presentation for all speakers to conform to the magazine's very high standard of graphics and design. Brainstorm also staged the entire event, creating the look and calling the show.
SANTA BARBARA, CA JUNE 1ST 2016 – The Telly Awards has named Brainstorm Creative as a winner in the 37th Annual Telly Awards for their piece titled "Every Day". With over 13,000 entries from all 50 states and numerous countries, this is truly an honor.
The film was made by Brainstorm Creative for Jetsuite, one of the largest and fastest growing jet charter companies in the US. JetSuite operate all over the country, but they recently shook up the industry by launching a scheduled service in California, flying out of private jet terminals but selling individual seats to the public for as little as $120 each way. Santa Barbara is one of the airports they are planning on introducing service to, possibly with flights to and from Burbank, the Bay Area and Las Vegas.
The Telly Awards was founded in 1979 and is the premier award honoring outstanding video and film productions, online commercials, video and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world.
A prestigious judging panel of over 500 accomplished industry professionals, each a past winner of a Silver Telly and a member of The Silver Telly Council, judged the competition, upholding the historical standard of excellence that Telly represents.
“The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video,” said Linda Day, Executive Director of the Telly Awards. “Brainstorm Creative's accomplishment illustrates their creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft and serves as a testament to great film and video production.”
Brainstorm Creative's CEO, Richard Weston-Smith said "We are thrilled. This is a film we are particularly proud of. It was shot mostly here in at Santa Barbara airport, as well as at Van Nuys. These two awards, in the categories of Corporate Video and Travel & Tourism, confirm that our Creative, our direction and our cinematography is nothing less than world-class. This brings the total of Telly Awards we have won over the years to fourteen - a great testament to the consistent craftsmanship of our team.
Brainstorm Creative is a Santa Barbara Based marketing services company, serving clients locally, nationally and internationally. Their clients include some of the worlds best brands, such as Virgin, Four Seasons, FedEx, Intel, Coca Cola and more.
Please contact Richard Weston-Smith, CEO, Brainstorm Creative Inc. for inquiries: richard@brainstormcreative.com. +1 805 452 0801 www.brainstormcreative.com
Brainstorm Creative pulled another long day for JetSuite this weekend, shooting one of their new Embraer 135 aircraft at Santa Barbara Airport. It's never easy shooting onboard due to the cramped conditions, but with the help of a custom built dolly that would fit in the 17" aisle, we managed to get some excellent footage. Finishing off the day with take-off and landing shots in a beautiful sunset from the side of the runway was a satisfying transition to the edit suite. Watch this space for the finished film.
Virgin Galactic is powering ahead and making fantastic progress! Brainstorm Creative were back out at Mojave recently shooting or a project and it’s always good to see old friendly faces mixed in with the new as the team constantly expands.